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Stinger posted a message about Re: Game start error after mod work in reply to Game start error after mod work

> I created some crazy "cheating" unit using TibEd and used Grizzly Tank voxels; I didn't modify any other areas at all. The game starts fine but after the loading sequence (after loading map to play etc) the game hangs. Anything missing or wrong? The unit also had a completely custom weapon and I think I overmaxed some of the specs. Oops. Please inform me of my mistakes.

Does the game crash as soon as you start the map or when you build the unit? (Unless the unit is set to start as a free unit to start with then nevermind)
Make sure the new weapon is listed as the primary weapon for your new unit.
If your still having bad luck... Try to give the unit a normal weapon to use just to make sure its not the new weapon crashing the game.

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