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Mark Charters posted a message about Re: How to improve Tibed in reply to Re: How to improve Tibed

How about a Preview Box Plug-in? This would let you view the animation etc by selecting a unit and using this. Maybe it could be added to the Who Uses What Browser. For example, you want to see if your new Gate will work. You make sure the graphics are either in the File Bag or in your RA2 directory, select the Gate and click Preview. This would show the Cameo (if it worked) and the animation for the gate too. This would let people check to see if their new graphics work without loading up the game.
Finally, what about a sort of Mod-searcher Plug-in? This would look for any existing .INI files and .MIX files and load them as default settings (maybe you get to choose if there are a few .MIX files). Then Tibed would let you edit the mod (maybe backup the mod's Rulesmd.ini etc first to stop them being overwritten).

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