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Thierry posted a message about Shockwave

When the Ioncannon hits you see a wave coming from it which animation is it (the name of that animation) cause there are so many names and all which one is the shockwave??


Re: ShockwaveRaptor20:00 09-08-2002
    Re: ShockwaveThierry20:17 09-08-2002
        Re: ShockwaveRaptor21:27 09-08-2002
            Re: ShockwaveThierry16:20 10-08-2002
                Re: ShockwaveRaptor19:51 10-08-2002
                    Re: ShockwaveThierry13:39 11-08-2002
                        Re: ShockwaveRaptor15:05 11-08-2002
                            Re: ShockwaveStinger06:49 12-08-2002
                                Re: ShockwaveThierry11:48 12-08-2002
                                    Re: ShockwaveStinger06:46 13-08-2002
                                        Re: ShockwaveThierry10:13 13-08-2002

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