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Thierry posted a message about Re: AI speed in reply to Re: AI speed

> > Is it possible to let the AI build stuff just as fast as I can instead of faster?(In ra2)

> Under the [AI] section there is a tag that is BaseSizeAdd=3. which means the computer will build its base plus 3 more buildings. You could set this to zero.

> In the Difficulty Settings you can adjust the buildtime for the computer. BuildTime=1 is the average. You would have to change easy, medium, and difficult to suit your liking.
> Also under this section theres a tag for BuildSlowdown=yes which will also affect the way it builds.

Well I thought that BaseSizeAdd is how big in distances of buildings the base is .
So like if your Base is big then the AI builds three times bigger.
And as for the Difficulty settings......... I thought TibEd said that it's removed from the game engine

Re: AI speedStinger10:06 29-10-2002

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