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Koen van de Sande posted a message about Re: Addingnew Dune 2000 units so you can make them in game? in reply to Re: Addingnew Dune 2000 units so you can make them in game?

> > Hi guys i was wondering haw you add units in Dune2K so you can get them in the game?(as the subject says)i've tryed pressing add... and doing it that way but htey dont come up in the game side bar how do you fix that problem?!?

> Im not sure if thats possible, but if for some reason it IS, id think the units would appear on screen as tiny little ants, as they would appear in the game exactly like dune2k, which is small...
Adding units to Dune 2000 does not work. I did not remove the Add button, as it was part of experimental add support, but no-one could ever get it to work. But who am I to block any future attempts?
Personally I have given up adding units to D2k, but if you succeed let me know!

Koen van de Sande
Van de Sande Productions


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