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Koen van de Sande posted a message about Re: what directory? what to call stuff; GAHH!! HELP! in reply to what directory? what to call stuff; GAHH!! HELP!

> I d/led tibed and made all the changes I wanted then it asked me to save it and it occured to me I probbably put the damn thing in the wrong directory (I made a new folder) so I uninstalled it and came here because either im a complete moron (I always thought I was only a partial one) or the readme sucks and doesn't tell you were to save your things (<== for lack of a better term) and were to put all the files (I imagine something needs to go into the RA2 directory) plz help.

> Johnny Bravo
If you select the 'normal' save, your changes are saved in TibEd format. If you want to use them in the game, select "Save changes to game" from the file menu (or the disk with RA on it).

Koen van de Sande
Van de Sande Productions

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