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Stinger posted a message about Re: Oil Tech in reply to Oil Tech

> I need to know how to get the oil techs to pump unlimited cash, I can build them but they don't do anything. I've tried changing it in the manual mode and still nothing, if you have any idea why this isn't working or and advice please E-mail me or
> Thank you for you concern

ProduceCashStartup=2000 ;Money once engineer enters
ProduceCashAmount=20 ;How much does it give
ProduceCashDelay=100 ;How often do you gain the money

Change these to what you need. Change the amount and delay so you gain more money faster and more often.

-Stinger- “The potential for change lies in all things.
Know this in nature and your possibilities are limitless.”

Re: Oil TechCyrus Blaze07:30 06-09-2002
    Re: Oil TechMark Charters18:03 11-09-2002

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