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Stinger posted a message about Re: Koen van de Sande or Any Mod Makers... Can you help? in reply to Koen van de Sande... Can you help?

> My question is about images that are in the CD of RA2/YR. I've made many mod maps that uses Voxels from TS and RA1. But when I go to make a real mod using Tibed (or a WordPad File) the game crashes. I've read your FAQ section and it does tell how to add units. But this only works for the images/shps/voxels that are in use like the grizzly tank. The string for the unit don`t seem to help out for this problem. Only thing I havn`t tried is the XCC Mixer or a Voxel Editor. Basically, what step am I missing to add units from the older games?

Ok, I`ve used the XCC mixer and I still dont know how to add new voxel/shp. I`m going to check a couple sites out to find out what to do. The program looks like it adds cameos and such (which Tibed can do ) but I have not come across anything for my problem.

Again, Thanks ahead for any help

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