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Stinger posted a message about Re: Is this a locomoter prob? in reply to Re: Is this a locomoter prob?

> > > > > I've made a copy (yes using Tibed) of the Nighthawk helicopter, and edited about everything (speedtype and such, weapons etc.) and gave it a new image wich I created and imported. That all works, now when I attack something out of the range of it's weapon it 'mostly' goes right. But when I attack something within his range in another direction then it's currently facing, it just sits there and does nothing.

> > > > > I was wondering, has this to do with the locomoter of the nighthawk? or is there some setting I overlooked? please let me know.

> > > > Did you give it a tag Omnifire=yes? If so this make it where it makes no difference which dirrection the plane faces. Also, what do you mean it mostly goes right? Did you mean it fires almost like you wanted?

> > > well not really, sometimes it flies in the right direction and fires, but most of the times (especially in groups) it just flies to it, fires once, and then turns a slight bit and doesn't fire anymore (but still hangs and shows the red waypoint line)

> > > so sometimes it happens to go right.

> > Oh right, the Omnifire=yes value thing didn't work...

> I guess this problem goes in the X-files folder... unsolved cases?

Omnifire=yes to the weapon right? Also, Your hover stats may need ajusted so it can turn just slightly while fireing.

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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