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Stinger posted a message about Re: Beat ing yuri in reply to Beat ing yuri

> Hi All
> I use iraq i play quick missions
> I can beat allies
> I can beat soviet
> But i cannot beat Yuri
> Can N E 1 plz give some tips or help

If you face off against a very good yuri player there are a few things you can do to stop him. But use your side`s special and weaponry to your advantage. Korean fighters are awesome against yuri. A BattleFortress filled with a seal, 3 GGI`s, and a Legionnaire can do major damage. Desolators and Terrorist come in handy. Robot Drone`s and Terror Drones are a very good counter for mind controlled units. Like sending in a flak track with an Ivan, Drone, Terrorist, and such to a spot that can wreak havoc.
But as with all games use the allies speed and high tech to bring down the enemy. Soviets should stick to tank rushing and other diversions. Its cheap but taking out miners early going is well worth it. Also try adding at least one more refinery and/or miner to your army. You will need cash as soon as you can get it. Try a different tactic and see if it has any effect for the battle. But yuri is by far the most cheap side to use in the game. So dont feel to bad.

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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Re: Beat ing yuriFrisky Little Hamster23:42 19-01-2003

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