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Stinger posted a message about Re: A few questions about Tibed in reply to A few questions about Tibed

> Hey all

> I use Tibed with Red Alert 2 Yuri's revenge.
> Now I wan't to change a few things but I can't get them working. Hope some of you can help me!
> 1. The sniper must be able to teleport and buyable for all countries.
> 2. Tech Oil derricks buyable
> 3. Airport + airplanes buyable for all countries

> What I tried to do but didn't work:
> 1. I changed the movement options to the options from a teleportable unit and selected all the countrys by the owners
> 2. Selected all the countries by the owners
> 3. Selected all the countries by the owners

> But it didn't work

> I hope anyone can help me!!

1. Change the Locomotor to chrono
Owner= to all countries
RequiredHouses= To all countries
2. Tech level between 1 and 10
Owner= to all countries
3. Tech level between 1 and 10
Owner= to all countries
RequiredHouses= To all countries

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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Re: A few questions about TibedSpeedy_Kevin16:09 06-02-2003
    Re: A few questions about TibedStinger04:52 07-02-2003
        Re: A few questions about TibedSpeedy_Kevin18:03 07-02-2003

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