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Darth Tabby posted a message about Re: Infantry in vehicles and buildings in reply to Infantry in vehicles and buildings

> Can I edit RA2, like this:
> I made a building (defense) a Machine Gun Emplacement
> I want that if there is no infantry in it it doesn't do anything , but when I or the opponent put infantry in it that it can shoot (weapons are maded)
> kinda Occupation but with other weapons:
> How can I make this

For buildings:
Make sure that the building is unarmed (if you don't want it to shoot while unnocupied). Then make sure that infantry can get into the building. You could also check some of the stuff on a civilian building under "manual" and see what the code says.
Also, infantry that occupy buildings often have an occupy weapon. This weapon is the same no matter what building they're in.

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