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Stinger posted a message about Re: Debris in reply to Re: Debris

> > > When a lightning bolt hits nomatter where it will always give off debris is there a way to do that with the warheads from a weapon and also that it always creates a schorch mark or crater everywhere (also on stuff like roads from FA2)

> > Yes if I remember right if you add the tags
> > DebrisMin=
> > DebrisMax=
> > This will have different kinds of things fly off the unit once its hit.

> > And then for the warhead
> > Deform=
> > DeformThreshhold=
> > This will make those Smudges in the ground. On bridges, roads, or where ever the damage is at.

> No.I don't mean debris coming of a destroyed unit but of a exploded weapon so like when a 120mm hits the ground and does it's damage it will also give off some debris pieces

I thought the first two tags did this no matter what the weapon hits. But I guess you could mess with the projectile section and add a Cluster, a ShrapnelWeapon, or a ShrapnelCount.

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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