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Hei Chiu posted a message about Re: adding sides for TS in reply to adding sides for TS

> When I add a side of TS it at, first when I started a skirmish game it Said GAME OVER or some thing like that. I made a few changes and Now it just shows a blank black screen with out any units or anything on it. I don't know how to get my MCV to start up in skirmish, and it would be a great favor if some one would tell me ho to do it. I know that it is something to do with 2 units sharing the smae image or something like that, but it still seems not to work. Has any one ever gotte a new side to work in skirmish mode? cuz im really really lost....
Yes, i have the same problem, just like you?

Voxels Problem ?!

Re: adding sides for TSBanshee04:16 17-04-2003

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