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Raptor posted a message about Re: Everytime I click to start the game it restarts.... in reply to Re: Everytime I click to start the game it restarts....

> Red Alert says "your computer needs to be restarted to continue the patch"..everytime i restart it, after it reloads windows it brings up the installation screen again for using Windows 98..

wait a sec, if you reffer to installing or PATCHING tibed
then only why you need to restart pc is coz of VisualBasic 6.0 run-time files, but it should not do problems like that you described, IF it is that you patching is Tibed then just download v1.54 and dont patch

IF you reffer to patching RA2... same thing should not happen, coz while patching it patches it tottaly and it should work normal...

my advice:

1. IF you are patching THE GAME, then uninstall it completely and try all over again

2. if patching tibed (dunno why, you have newest to download) remove all tibed files and install newest version

other than that i dont see reason for this errors

-- hope this helps a bit --

Hell is only a word... reality is much much worse.

Re: Everytime I click to start the game it restarts....Philip06:38 21-07-2003

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