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peeches posted a message about Re: AIR to AIR - Dogfight in reply to Re: AIR to AIR - Dogfight

> The Raptor uses the hover logic. Much like the Kirov Blimp and Rocketeer it can fly/hover to another air unit and attack. Pretty much any unit that is airport bound like harriers can't dogfight each other.

so if you build a unit that has the airportbound=no tag in it, would that be able to dogfight? cuz i dont like the idea of planes landing on regular ground, and the only other vxls are orcas, and they dont exactly fit anywhere in the fluff, as they arent invented for another 30 years(saying YR happens in early seventies, CNC TD in 1990-2000)

Re: AIR to AIR - DogfightStinger09:05 12-10-2003

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