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Net-Viper X posted a message about Re: sandbag sections in reply to Re: sandbag sections

Awesome!!!! It works!! Thank you Stinger, you are a god-send.

> > Hello there my comrades in arms. I have been trying to add sandbags to the game of RA2 yuri, but I can only build them one square at a time. Can someone please tell me how to make the sandbags and fences build an entire section the way the walls do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

> If you change the "GuardRange" for the wall it should take effect. So if you change it to GuardRange=10 it can be built 10 spaces in length. The normal is 5 in length. if you need to change how far its allowed to be built. change "Adjacent" to the needed number.

Net-Viper X

Re: sandbag sectionsKoen van de Sande13:51 22-01-2002

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