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D61844560 posted a message about Re: System Unstable and Crashes in reply to Re: System Unstable and Crashes

You're probably right, buit this is what Stinger said in his reply on the same message:

> The system crashes whenever something is incomplete. If you gave a unit a new weapon and forgot to add the new weapon. the system would crash as soon as you would make the new unit. Also for warheads you need make sure you have all the % or again the system would crash.

> A line or two for the hint window would help out in simple questions.

I think it would be possible to make a detector that checks if all the links to weapons/warheads/turrets/whatever are correct: if not it displays where the broken link requires fixing. It could also check for empty spaces on essential fields, such as locomotor.

It would make life much easier...
Thanks anyway.

I'm dutch
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