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Stinger posted a message about Re: Building attacked in reply to Building attacked

> When you order a unit to attack a building it's weapon goes to the centre of the building and you don't see a thing.
> Sometimes they will hit the building on the side (like if it was attacking the building as a builging not a picture) and it want them to do that all the time.
> Oh.. and when a Conscript or GI attacks it's like this: TRRR TRRR TRRR etc.
> How do you make it do TRRRRRRRR TRRRRRRRR?

not to sure what TRRRRR is but you could adjust the anim. for the warhead. The TRRR may be the PIFF,PIFF anim.
Or try messing with the art.ini for OccupyHeight/Height and they will shoot higher and slightly to the side.
You could also look into the Walls since they are a art overlay and bullets seem to hit their "sides".

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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