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crimson posted a message about Re: Need some Strategies with USA in reply to Re: Need some Strategies with USA

> > I need some SERIOUS help here. Every time I play against a player using china online my force of ground units ALWAYS gets teampled by the freakin FIRESTRIKE crap. It seems that none of the USA tanks can target Air units-I cant bring a stinkin mig down unless I use air-air combat which is NOT an option if the bastard builds migs in the beginning of the game. GLA has the quad cannon and china has the gattling tank...what the hell does the USA have? This is some serios shit and I need some serious help! Anyone know an easy way to bring down those blasted migs easily with ground forces BESIDES Missile Defenders?!
> ... and a question from me as well: how is the US supposed to effectively counter infantry?
> Only the humvee AFAIK, but it's not very effective...

use aroura bombers to take air strip down

Re: Need some Strategies with USAJ Man22:27 15-03-2003
Re: Need some Strategies with USASlavick19:55 03-03-2003
    Re: Need some Strategies with USAcrimson17:11 07-03-2003
        Re: Need some Strategies with USAAscension122302:14 10-03-2003

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