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Stinger posted a message about Re: Debris in reply to Debris

> When a lightning bolt hits nomatter where it will always give off debris is there a way to do that with the warheads from a weapon and also that it always creates a schorch mark or crater everywhere (also on stuff like roads from FA2)

Yes if I remember right if you add the tags
This will have different kinds of things fly off the unit once its hit.

And then for the warhead
This will make those Smudges in the ground. On bridges, roads, or where ever the damage is at.

“In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.” -Stinger-

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Re: DebrisThierry22:04 19-03-2003
    Re: DebrisStinger09:13 20-03-2003

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