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Stinger posted a message about Re: humm.. any one have a list in reply to Re: humm.. any one have a list

> > Check out the IFV for each turret weapon it uses for your infantry`s IFVMode.
> > Infantry that enter a BF will fire depending what their tag is set as.
> > OpenTransportWeapon=0 ;is the primary weapon which is also the default tag.
> > OpenTransportWeapon=1 ;is the secondary weapon
> > Include this in the infantry`s stats so it will fire the correct weapon.

> ya it all works now but the nuker when in an ifv (or battle) he tends to lose his wepon ..
> and i made prism men they work in a battle fortriss but if u put them in to ifv the game crashes.. would u know what that is ..

Well the list for the IFV modes are...
Weapon1=HoverMissile ;Normal
Weapon2=RepairBullet ;Engineer
Weapon3=CRM60 ;GI
Weapon4=CRFlakGuyGun ;Flak Troop ;Rocketeer
Weapon5=CRMP5 ;Seal
Weapon6=AWPE ;Sniper
Weapon7=CRElectricBolt ;ShockTrooper
Weapon8=CRNuke ;Crazy Ivan
Weapon9=CRMindControl ;Yuri
Weapon11=CRNeutronRifle ;Chrono
Weapon12=CRTerrorBomb ;Terrorist
Weapon13=CowShot ;Cow
Weapon14=CRPsychicJab ;Initiate
Weapon15=CRVirusGun ;Virus
Weapon16=CRSuperMindBlast ;Yuri Prime
Weapon17=CRMissileLauncher ;Guardian GI

If you want to add a new weapon you would need to replace one of the weapons in use. Anything after 18 will not be read by the computer.

As for using a weapon inside a BF make sure the weapon has...
FireInTransport=yes ;Can I fire out of the BattleFortress?

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