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Koen van de Sande posted a message about Re: Infantry Sequence? in reply to Re: Infantry Sequence?

> Ok they don't work yet(if not for TS) but how do they work.
> I mean what to enter in the boxes. Frames or such? Can someone help me?
Yes, the numbers in the boxes are refering to frame numbers of the Infantry SHP animation. This is copy/paste from the TS Art.ini (where you can edit them with TibEd):

; *** Infantry Sequences ***
; Infantry animations are grouped within a single art file.
; Unlike units, infantry animation layout is completely
; arbitrary and must be explicitly specified. Each
; infantry format file will be identified with one of these
; animation sequences.
; The first number is the starting frame number. The second
; number is the number of frames of the animation. If this
; number is zero then the anim sequence is not present.
; The third number is the multiplier by the infantry facing
; to reach the facing specific animation start. If this
; last number is zero, then there is no facing specific
; version.
; Ready = standing around
; Guard = standing around with weapon drawn
; Prone = while prone
; Walk = walking [normal movement]
; FireUp = firing while standing
; Down = transition from standing to prone
; Crawl = moving while prone
; Up = transition from prone to standing
; FireProne = firing while prone
; Idle1 = idle animation sequence #1
; Idle2 = idle animation sequence #2
; Die1 = death animation when hit by gunfire
; Die2 = death animation when exploding
; Die3 = death animation when exploding (alternate)
; Die4 = death animation by concussion explosion
; Die5 = death animatino by fire
; Fly = [jumpjet] flying
; Hover = [jumpjet] hovering
; Tumble = [jumpjet] tumbling
; FireFly = [jumpjet] firing while flying

Koen van de Sande
Van de Sande Productions

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