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Koen van de Sande posted a message about Re: Problem with adding new images in reply to Re: Problem with adding new images

> > i sugest i go get sunedit this is better for editing TS (but tibed id better for RA2)this sunedit is way more simple later hope this helped.

> I've tried Sunedit once, because FinalSun is compatible with it, but it sucks! Tibed is easy to use, higher speed (I only have 200MHz), and a better interface!

> I recommend to use Tibed, just too bad of that missing Cameo; but Koen offered to help. He knows what's he's doing (I guess )
Don't know if I mailed this (anyway, I'm saying something slightly different now):
You can not change cameo's in maps, because when saving to maps, only Rules.ini changes are stored inside the map - nothing else.
You can do it if you distribute the .SHP (or .MIX) file and the Art.ini along with your map, in that case you can configure them properly there.
If you want to use such (cameo) changes online, then both sides need to install... only Rules.ini changes can be used 'map-only'. Does that explain everything?

Koen van de Sande
Van de Sande Productions

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