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Gareth posted a message about Re: New Camoes in reply to Re: New Camoes

> > > if i have a new cameo to use for a new unit - how do i get that into Tibed and the game? Can i just put it in the file bag, if so what format do they need to be.
> > > Thanks
> > Yes, you can put them in the filebag. They have to be in SHP format (called SHP (TS) in XCC Mixer). And you have to change the Cameo= setting of the Art.ini entry of your unit (clone it first if it's an existing unit... but when cloning, don't forget to add an Image= tag with the Image=OLD_SECTION_NAME or else your unit might get invisible). Still haven't figured out the invisible units yet...
> What do i need to convert normal Jpeg images into SHp format?
> Thank you for all your help.

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