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Stinger posted a message about Re: veteran weapons in reply to Re: veteran weapons

> > Is it posible to edit the weapon projectile and warhead of a veteran unit ? (I am trying to get the warhead animation of a veteran rhino tank). Well it is the animation for all veteran tanks. Its like a miniture nuke/fireball effect. Could you please tell me how to edit existing veteran weapons and/or give me the name of the animation used for the veteran rhino tank warhead.
> Most units have a seperate weapon for elite versions (normal: Primary=, elite: ElitePrimary=). If you modify this weapon (like give it a different/new warhead or projectile), you can change the veteran weapon... Most Elite weapon end with an "E".

If your adding the effect to a warhead. give the Anim=VTMUZZLE if your looking for the mini explosion. Or use this warhead RHINAPE. If your looking for a mini nuke effect use the warhead DemobombWH. its AnimList is DEMTEXP.


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